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AAFSW’s Monthly Global Link Newsletter

Global Link Express, AAFSW’s monthly email newsletter, is packed with news about AAFSW programs and services as well as information of interest to the entire Foreign Service community! The newsletter is tightly integrated with our website, with links to extended versions of articles and more resources online.

Global Link Express is available by email subscription to current AAFSW members.

Global Link is the print (or PDF) version of the newsletter, with much of the same content. It is distributed to AAFSW members by postal mail, and to Community Liaison Office coordinators worldwide by email.

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For more information about Global Link, or to query regarding an article for submission, please contact the AAFSW Content Manager at newsletter@aafsw.org.

[button link=”http://www.aafsw.org/members-only/”]Members: Access the Global Link archive[/button]