Home » Latest News » The Upcoming 2024-2026 AAFSW Executive Board and Board of Directors Election is a Significant Opportunity

The Upcoming 2024-2026 AAFSW Executive Board and Board of Directors Election is a Significant Opportunity

AAFSW is looking for passionate and dedicated individuals like YOU to contribute to our mission of fostering a sense of community, supporting and uplifting our members, and advocating for the well-being and rights of our foreign affairs community.

Whether you reside in the DMV area or anywhere in the United States, plan to return to your local area this summer, are stationed at an overseas mission, or are an overseas resident, JOIN US!

We welcome all stakeholders* in foreign affairs, including those who have been involved previously, Eligible Family Members (EFMs), spouses and partners, employees of all foreign affairs agencies, and the Department of State (DOS) civil service members who are over the age of eighteen. Our strength lies in our diversity; we warmly encourage individuals from all backgrounds to apply.

We appreciate your potential interest in contributing to AAFSW. If you want to run for a position, please send your name, bio, and a short statement on what you would like to contribute to the board to office@aafsw.org. The deadline for applications is COB EST on July 15, 2024.

Our Board of Directors’ commitment, passion, and enthusiasm significantly contribute to our mission. We will hold an election in July 2024 for those interested in running for the Open Positions / Chairs. 

Eligibility: The positions are open to foreign affairs employees, EFMs, and DOS civil service employees over eighteen years old. Candidates must be AAFSW members in good standing or become one.

If you are not ready for a board position but want to get involved, please contact office@aafsw.org for volunteer opportunities. 

· Time Commitment: The Board meets once a month. Board members attend AAFSW’s virtual general meeting every month and twice a year hybrid, other sponsored AAFSW events, and ad hoc DOS leadership inter-agency meetings and presentations on a voluntary basis. Depending on your role, the time commitment is about 5-10 hours monthly.

· How to Apply for the Membership role: Please send your name, bio, and a short statement on what you would like to contribute to the board to office@aafsw.org by COB EST on July 15, 2024.   

We are excited to hear from you.

Best regards,


Celine Ford, President – AAFSW

Positions Open for Consideration:

President: The President presides over all Association and Board of Directors meetings. They prepare agendas, appoint Committee Chairs, represent AAFSW at external meetings, and perform other duties related to the office of President.

First Vice President: In the President’s absence, the First Vice President assumes their duties. Additionally, they function as the Chair of the Finance Committee and take on other responsibilities as requested by the President.

Secretary to the Board: The Secretary records minutes of Board Meetings, ensures accuracy, and distributes draft minutes to Board Members. They also coordinate with the Office Manager for final distribution.

Membership Chair: Develops and executes Chair plan to promote AAFSW membership within the Department and at other agencies (USAID, Commerce, Agriculture…). 

AFSA / State Liaison: Report on subjects of interest to the Board and membership. Attend AFSA board meetings.

* Department of State (DOS), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Commerce (DOC), Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and Foreign Commercial Service (FCS)