Ambassador Dialogue Series

Ambassador Dialogue Series

Ambassador Dialogue Series — Sustained Dialogue Institute — Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, the Sustained Dialogue Institute (SDI) in collaboration with the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, as part of the Ambassador Dialogues, presented his Excellency Daniel Mulhall, Ambassador of Ireland to…

Boni Pueri Czech Boys Choir Delights State Department Audience

Boni Pueri Czech Boys Choir Delights State Department Audience

AAFSW members and guests, members of the diplomatic community, and State Department employees enjoyed a special musical treat on May 8: a performance of the famous Boni Pueri Czech Boys Choir at the State Department’s Dean Acheson Auditorium. The concert began in darkness, with the boys processing in wearing golden robes and carrying small lights,…

Reflections on Protocol and Design Over Recent Decades

Monday, June 10th at 10:30 a.m. Burns Auditorium, Marshall Center Department of State AAFSW cordially invite you to join us for a wonderful and enlightening program by a loved and admired couple. Ambassador Lloyd Nelson Hand, former chief of Protocol under President LBJ, and a current member of the Council of American Ambassadors, and Ann…

Volunteer with!

Exciting Volunteer Opportunity to Manage Key Online Resource Can be done from overseas! We’re looking for a self-motivated volunteer who is willing to serve the entire Foreign Service community by managing the Foreign Service Hub, The Hub gathers all Foreign Service resources, governmental, non-profit, social media and informal, into one convenient website. It has…