Change Your Body, Change Your Life: Lose Weight and Keep It Off, April 28

This AAFSW workshop will take place on Thursday, April 28 at 11:30 am in the Capitol Room at Oakwood Apartments, 501 N Roosevelt Boulevard, Falls Church, VA 22044. Workshop leader Patricia Linderman has lost 40 pounds and kept it off for more than a year (thus qualifying her for the National Weight Control Registry). Along…

FLO Training Specialist Program on April 12

AAFSW/FBS cordially invite you to a very informative presentation by Training Specialists of the Family Liaison Office (FLO) on Tuesday, April 12, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in the FLO Conference Room at the State Department. An Employment and Training Specialist will talk to spouses about employment and training opportunities here and overseas, a…

Theater Trip to See “Nice Work If You Can Get It”

AAFSW members and friends: Our last play at the Arlington Theater was so much fun that we are getting together again to attend another enjoyable performance. Please join us on April 23 at the Arlington Theater. RSVP to; or call 703-820-5420 by Thursday, April 21. The cost is $24.50 per person, but if we…

Successful 2016 Women’s History Month Celebration and Panel Discussion

AAFSW members and friends were treated to an outstanding trio of speakers at the Women’s History Month Celebration and Panel Discussion on March 4. Former Congresswoman, Ambassador Connie Morella, inspired listeners with her personal journey through the hallways of power, and stressed the need for women to keep fighting for their goals. Lael Mohib, founder…