Reflections on Protocol and Design Over Recent Decades

Monday, June 10th at 10:30 a.m. Burns Auditorium, Marshall Center Department of State AAFSW cordially invite you to join us for a wonderful and enlightening program by a loved and admired couple. Ambassador Lloyd Nelson Hand, former chief of Protocol under President LBJ, and a current member of the Council of American Ambassadors, and Ann…

Volunteer with!

Exciting Volunteer Opportunity to Manage Key Online Resource Can be done from overseas! We’re looking for a self-motivated volunteer who is willing to serve the entire Foreign Service community by managing the Foreign Service Hub, The Hub gathers all Foreign Service resources, governmental, non-profit, social media and informal, into one convenient website. It has…

Border Security Program at DACOR-Bacon House

“The Perpetual Challenges of Securing Borders Against Illegal Drugs and Undocumented Migrants: Lessons from Past Decades” featuring Retired Coast Guard Captain and Former Special Advisor to the Vice President on Homeland Security James Howe AAFSW at DACOR-Bacon House Wednesday, March 27, 2019 On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide…