Raising Kids in the Foreign Service Book Launched!

Laura Fabrycky, Patricia Linderman and Anne Sullivan. Authors in the DC area who donated their work to AAFSW’s newest book gathered on Friday, Nov. 13, to celebrate the publication of this new resource, packed with information, personal stories and humor. Pictured are Laura Fabrycky, who contributed “Joy for a Dime and a Song: A Case…

Another Successful AAFSW Awards Ceremony

AAFSW annual awards ceremony celebrated SOSA, Tragen, CCE-EFM, and Dorman winners. (Photo courtesy of Mark Stewart, DOS Photographer.) The annual AAFSW volunteer awards program took place Tuesday, November, 10, 2015 in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department. The ceremony was a success highlighting the volunteer work of nine outstanding individuals. It recognized winners…

Help AAFSW Help You

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to take on a really interesting volunteer position? Could your resume use a new entry? AAFSW can help! Our board is in need of people to fill the following positions: president, first vice-president, secretary, treasurer, Art & Book Fair chair, membership chair, and scholarship chair. No experience needed!…

A Musical Thanksgiving Feast on November 24

AAFSW’s Tripartite Musical Program on November 24, held at the George Marshall Auditorium at the State Department, was a feast for the heart and soul. The program began with with distinguished Spanish Maestro Angel Gil-Ordóñez, Director of the Georgetown University Orchestra in DC, whose illustrated lecture introduced us to twenty-first century orchestras and conductors. Mr….