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New Collaboration with the National Defense University

This year marks a new chapter in The Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide (AAFSW)’s journey as we introduce a program for members to become community sponsors for the International Fellows Program at the National Defense University (NDU). AAFSW invites you to become one of the pioneering sponsors of the National Defense University (NDU) Sponsor Program. Based on the NDU campus, this initiative aims to foster collaboration and build strong relationships.

We seek individuals who have resided in America and can provide insights into the local lifestyle to NDU’s students. The sponsor program is not just about establishing connections; it’s about becoming part of a vibrant community. As a sponsor, you can participate in various NDU-sponsored festivals and events, including the prestigious International Fellow Luncheon in early Spring. This is a unique chance to immerse yourself in diverse cultures and make lifelong friendships.

The International Fellows (IFs) are a distinguished group of approximately 130 senior military officers from over 80 countries. They reside in the U.S. for a year, from June to June, immersing themselves in the American way of life. Their academic journey takes them through one of NDU’s five colleges, where they not only study but also gain a deeper understanding of America, its people, institutions, and values.

While NDU manages the logistics for the IFs, sponsors play a pivotal role in their journey. Your support is instrumental in helping the students and their families acclimate and make the most of their time in the US. By becoming a sponsor, you’re not providing financial assistance. Still, you offer a home away from home and a support system that can make a difference in their experience.

If you’re interested in becoming a community sponsor for an International Fellow at the National Defense University, please contact Melanie (melanie.mcfeeters@aafsw.org) for more information.

This is a fantastic opportunity to build new friendships, hone your language skills, and share our culture. Stay connected for more updates and exciting opportunities through this program. Your active involvement is crucial to its success!