Welcome to the New 2020-2022 AAFSW Board Members

AAFSW would really like to thank the 2020 AAFSW Nominating Committee, consisting of Patty Ryan, Sheila Switzer, and Barbara Reioux, for presenting a full slate of amazing candidates for the 2020-2022 AAFSW Board positions! AAFSW would also like to thank its Members and Volunteers who voted during the 2020 AAFSW Summer Election from July 1,…

Exercising at Home: Make it Easy, Make it Fun

Exercising at Home: Make it Easy, Make it Fun

AAFSW Wellness Workshop on Zoom Tuesday, Oct. 20 10:30 – noon Washington DC time   Our bodies were made to move! Movement helps us feel better and live longer — but modern life is too sedentary for optimal health. And being stuck at home during the pandemic doesn’t help! Because of this, we need to…

Congratulations to AAFSW!

Foreign-Born Spouses and Family/Spouses in Transition Become AAFSW Standing Committees with Voting AAFSW Board Member Chairs! Dear AAFSW Members and Volunteers, I would like to thank all of you who voted during the Summer 2020 AAFSW Election and all of you who supported the following two issues that appeared on the Summer 2020 AAFSW Ballot:…


Change One Habit, Change Your Life Workshop

AAFSW Wellness Workshop on Zoom Thursday, Sept. 10 10:30 am – noon, Washington DC time Free with optional contribution to the presenter RSVP to office@aafsw.org   Improving a “keystone habit” can have a cascade of positive effects on your life. For instance, starting a fun exercise routine, or conquering evening snacking, can improve your mood, energy,…

AAFSW Welcomes Members’ Generosity, and Arlington County Support

Dear AAFSW Members and Friends, I am extremely grateful to all who have been supporting AAFSW with your generous donations during the last sixty years since AAFSW’s inception and, especially, with your recent contributions during the last few months. I am also extremely happy to announce that, besides all your recent donations, AAFSW has just…

Tales of Survivors of the DOS Divorce and Separation Process

The Department of State (DOS) views divorce as a private civil matter to be addressed by a civilian court. When the separation becomes difficult, including physical harm and non-physical harm, harassment and emotional abuse, the spouse is left with “a sense of loss and powerlessness.”  The Family Liaison Office (FLO) provides somewhat ad hoc advice,…