AAFAA and S/OCR Celebrate: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, many AAFSW members, including AAFSW President Joanna Athanasopoulos Owen, PhD, were invited by the Asian American Foreign Affairs Association (AAFAA) and the Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR) to celebrate the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with a stimulating presentation by Yale Law Professor and renowned author Amy Chua…

Full Military Honors for Philip Dorman at Arlington Cemetery

Full Military Honors for Philip Dorman at Arlington Cemetery

On Friday, May 4th, Barbara Reioux, Patty Ryan and Mette Beecroft attended a Memorial Service for Philip Dorman, Lesley Dorman’s husband of well over 60 years. (Lesley was an AAFSW member for fifty years and served as its president for a record five years.) The first part of the service was held in the chapel…

The Family Liaison Office: Celebrating 40 Years of Making a World of Difference

March 1st of 2018 was the FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the opening of the Family Liaison Office in the Department of State. Its establishment may well mark the only time that a volunteer organization (in this case the Association of American Foreign Service Women – AAFSW) succeeded in changing the structure of the State Department bureaucracy…