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Seeking Candidates for the 2022-2024 Executive Board

Want to make a difference in the foreign affairs community?  Join our board and donate your time and talents!  For the upcoming Summer 2022 AAFSW Election, you can indicate your interest to AAFSW by sending an email and brief bio to office@aafsw.org by June 30, 2022.  

The following positions are open for consideration:  


Presides at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, prepares agendas for said meetings, appoints Committee Chairs with the approval of the Board, signs and executes all documents in the name of the Association when so authorized by the Board of Directors, interacts with Board members and staff as needed, represents AAFSW at external meetings and functions, and performs all other duties incident to the office of President.  


First Vice President

Assumes the duties of the President in the President’s absence, keeps fully informed about Association business and issues in order to assist or represent the President at any time, acts as the Chair of the Finance Committee, clears any ideas for special projects, brings any recommendations to the Finance Committee, and takes on any additional responsibilities at the request of the President.


Second Vice President

Assumes the duties of the First Vice President in the absence of same, maintains contact with the non-standing Committee Chairs and report to the Board on their behalf as necessary, acts as Chair of the Nominating Committee, oversees volunteer management and takes on any additional responsibilities at the request of the President.


Secretary to the Board

Shall record the minutes of the Board Meetings, checks back with members regarding fact and wording to assure accuracy as necessary, emails draft minutes to office manager for distribution to all Board Members upon production, informs the Office Manager of all designated changes to the draft minutes at the end of the Board meeting in which they are approved, and ensure that the Office Manager sends the completed document to Committee Chairs, Board Members and Media Director, by email if possible. 



  • Must be a member of good standing with AAFSW
  • Open to all foreign service employees with foreign affairs agencies, foreign service EFMs and DOS civil service employees