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FSHub.org, the Foreign Service Hub

The Foreign Service Hub, FSHub.org, was developed by AAFSW, thanks to a grant from the Cox Foundation, to gather all Foreign Service resources, from government offices to nonprofits to social media groups, in one convenient place with a robust search function.

FS Hub is fully developed and terrific, but it needs new content, features and ideas to stay relevant and useful to the Foreign Service community.

We’re looking for volunteers anywhere in the world who are willing to dedicate an average of about two hours a week. The following are the most important volunteer jobs to be filled — does one appeal to you?

1. Working on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the Hub (you do not need to be very experienced, you can always enhance your skills by practising, and update your résumé!).

2. Looking for important topics often discussed in Foreign Service social media groups (like Trailing Houses and EFMs Helping Other EFMs Find Employment) to be summarized in useful resource articles. Examples include: kids (traveling with, education, nannies), college application process, pets, retirement, great recipes, doctors recommendations, etc.

3. Working to get the Hub listed, publicized, and cross-refenreced on other websites, blogs, etc.

4. Posting regularly on social media about what’s new on the Hub.

5. Maintaining our Calendar with important FS events, deadlines, etc.

6. Promoting our Photo of the Month section, maybe taking it in a new creative direction?

7. Checking over the Hub an hour or two each week and sharing your ideas about how it can be improved.

8. Promoting the subscription feature, and working on other ways to make the Hub more interactive.

Ready to give it a try? Please contact our team at FSHub@aafsw.org. Thanks in advance!

Patricia Linderman and Catherine Pierce
FS Hub Committee Members