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AAFSW Welcome and Farewell Garden Party 2018

On the most beautiful summer afternoon, on Saturday, June 9, 2018, over 65 AAFSW members and friends gathered together to celebrate the beginning of the summer, welcome families that are returning to the USA, and say farewell to our friends that are leaving for another post abroad.

There was plenty of delicious food and desserts that everybody brought to share as well as exceptional company! Our gracious hosts, Tom and Sheila Switzer, made everyone feel so welcome. Our AAFSW Program Chair and Foreign Born Spouses Chair, Sheila Switzer, and our AAFSW Spouses in Transition Chair, Karen Villar, welcomed the new FBS Chair Anireves Torres and the new Spouses in Transition Chair, Celine Erickson, who begin their volunteer duties on July 1, 2018. AAFSW is grateful for all its wonderful past and new volunteers! Ambassador Shannon, Ambassador Brown, and Ambassador Moon along with their wives Guisela, Olivia, and Danuta expressed their sincere thanks for all that AAFSW does for the diplomatic community.

AAFSW and AAFSW-FBS would like to welcome back Hellen Nicodemus and bid farewell to Jinny Lay who is going with her husband to South Korea, Karen Villar who is going to Mexico, Catherine and Edward Pierce who are going to China, as well as Rosalix and Jose Quinonez who are going to Equatorial Guinea. As our host, Tom Switzer said, we are all a big, international family! We wish them all the best in their new posts and we hope that they will all keep in touch with all of us, their AAFSW friends!

Joanna Athanasopoulos Owen, PhD
AAFSW President