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Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide

Watch the 2023 Awards Ceremony

12/28/2023 8:07 PM | Anonymous member

On November 29, 2023, the Associates of the Foreign Service Worldwide (AAFSW) held the 2023 Secretary of State Awards for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad (SOSA) ceremony at the Benjamin Franklin Room of the Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, D.C.

Families and friends traveled from far away to support the winners of the 2023 SOSA, the Champions of Career Enhancement for Eligible Family Members Award (CCE-EFM), the Leslie Dorman Award, and the Eleanor Dodson Tragen Award winners.

You can watch a recording of the ceremony on our youtube channel. Congratulations to our 2023 award winners and nominees!

Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide - 4001 North Ninth Street, Suite 214 - Arlington, VA, 22203 - +1 (703) 820-5420

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