AAFSW Wellness Workshop: Mindful Eating, Mindful Living

We eat every day. But are we really paying attention? So often, we hurry through meals and snacks without truly savoring them, and perhaps without nourishing our bodies as effectively as we could.   In this interactive webinar on Zoom, we will learn and immediately practice mindful eating techniques that can help us:   –...

A Talk with Gina Wilkinson, Author of Where the Apricots Bloom

AAFSW cordially invites you to join us for a fascinating talk with Gina Wilkinson via Zoom from Australia about her book “When the Apricots Bloom”. Gina will entertain us with stories of her mesmerizing life in Iraq, on Tuesday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time. Inspired by her experiences while in Baghdad under...

“Turn Around the Pandemic Pounds” Webinar

An Interactive Webinar on Zoom organized by AAFSW Program Chair Sheila Switzer. Thursday, June 17, 10:30 to noon Washington, DC time. Less active? Stopping by the kitchen too often for snacks? And during the pandemic we’ve all been stressed, which is a known factor in weight gain.  Whatever the reason, if you’ve noticed a buildup of pounds...