Virtual Tour of the Mexican Cultural Institute

  A Zoom guided tour of the beautiful and historical Mexican Cultural Institute, beginning at 11 a.m. EST. Email to attend.

Music and Beauty – Queen for a Day!

AAFSW cordially invites you to celebrate Mother’s Day with a special program entitled “Music and Beauty — Queen for a Day” via Zoom on Tuesday, May 4th, at 11:00 am Eastern Time.    This wonderful event showcases acclaimed entertainers with performances of music, poetry and song, and you will hear from an Esthetician who will present...

AAFSW Wellness Workshop: Mindful Eating, Mindful Living

We eat every day. But are we really paying attention? So often, we hurry through meals and snacks without truly savoring them, and perhaps without nourishing our bodies as effectively as we could.   In this interactive webinar on Zoom, we will learn and immediately practice mindful eating techniques that can help us:   –...